Best Health Goal to Work Towards...

We hear people saying how they want to lose weight so much anymore, right? Unless its just me and the people I spend time with, but seriously, that seems like a common issue with us Americans!

Now, I am not overweight by any means. However I was overweight in the past by 75 pounds overweight and fitness has really helped me achieve to a healthier body overall. But something came to mind as I was logging in my macros for the day on MyFitnessPal. And it struck me that maybe we are thinking too deep into this health craze going on. Maybe we should focus on one thing to make sure we are as healthy as possible. And you know what that something is to work on?

No, it's not to get a flat stomach or a bigger booty ladies. Though if you wish to make that your goal then more power to you!

But what we should focus on is metabolism. Making it work as best as we can.

Think about it.
The majority of Americans have a diet that goes a little something like this;

Breakfast-Eat like a peasant.
Lunch-Either skip or eat like a Queen.
Dinner-Eat like a king.

But that should be reversed. In order to get your metabolism, and overall energy working properly throughout the day we should do the whole eating like a king for breakfast, queen for lunch, and peasant for dinner. That way you would be less likely to binge later on at night, or be less likely to grab something unhealthy in the middle of the day. You would have more energy, move more, be happier! Happy! That's the most important part of a better metabolism, happiness!

Just some simple tips to improve your metabolism that have definitely helped me so much.

1. Drink water first thing as you wake up in the morning.

2. Eat breakfast!

3. NEVER skip meals. Skipping meals is what usually causes a person to make bad food choices later on.

4. Strength train. Building muscle really helps in both your energy and physique.

5. While building muscle don't forget cardio. You don't have to shoot for running as a cardio exercise because here's the thing, not everyone is on the same boat on the "I love running" trip. Find a cardio routine you enjoy and can stick to.

6. Don't skimp on the protein. That goes for you too ladies! Protein helps in settling hunger ques and making our metabolism work faster to digest.

7. Sauna! Hot bath! Something you can sit in that is super warm would help in detoxifying your body naturally. When driving (if you are not going to an event) roll up the windows, blast the heater and let that heat go directly towards you if you don't have access to a sauna.

8. Green tea, coffee (hold the cream and sugar)

9. Eat less meat. Meat works slower through our system than anything else. If you do not want to cut out meat completely then have smaller portions of it. Make a Meatless Monday kind of day.

10. Fiber! Fiber! Fiber!
April 22nd, 2016 at 11:01pm