Blake Is an Adult

So before we get started I'm going to just disclose that I've had a few drinks. They were fuzzy navel's and they were delicious. Fuzzy navel's is Peach Schnopp's and orange juice, for those of you who are looking at the screen weird.

Okay so Day 2 Blog Challenge Prompt Thing - How have you changed in the last two years?

Well, blog prompt challenge thingy, that's a good question.

Many things have happened in the last two years. I've loved, I've lived, I loved again, I lived some more. I think the biggest ways I've changed is that I'm coming more into myself and figuring out just who I am and what I'm capable of. I've become more independent. I'm not going to settle for anything less than what I deserve.
Woah. I just had a huge Perks of Being A Wallflower eye-opener. Like, you know that quote "You accept the love you think you deserve."? What if when the right person comes along, the one that loves you so much and just showers you with it, is too much? Like, you're sitting there and you're thinking you don't deserve them because of some shit you did in the past, but you do deserve them?

This is now a public service announcement. Each and every one of you deserve the world, you deserve to be loved by someone who dotes on you, who wants to open doors for you, who takes care of you when you're sick. You deserve the go on spontaneous dates, and the flowers just because. You deserve to have that smile put on your face in the morning as you're brought breakfast to bed.

Don't let anyone bring you down. Rise up and be who you want to be, because you deserve that.
Okay now that that little tangent is solid, umm... How else have I changed? I don't know. I truly believe that we are changing every day, little by little. Life doesn't stop, neither does change. It's a gradual thing.

When I was little I didn't like onions, now I love them.

Last year I had surgery because I broke my leg, this year I had it because I was getting the metal removed.

Last year I started making decisions for myself, big decisions, and I'm sticking to that trend.
That's going to be it for this blog challenge thing. I want to relax a bit more, maybe watch some Netflix or read or something, and go to sleep.

I hope everyone had a good day today. I love you.

But before I sign off...
[ Questions. ]

1. How was your day?
2. How are you?
3. How have you changed in the last two years?
April 29th, 2016 at 05:03am