Blake Has a New Story

So remember a few days ago when I said that I had had a dream and was working on a story for it? I gave you guys a crappy summary and the silly working title "Professor Hottie" and then went back to working on getting some ideas together? Well, I've come up with a better working title, an even better working summary, and I created a story page.

If you want to check the page out you can, obviously, that's why I gave you the link and why I'm even creating this blog in the first place.

I'm not sure when I'll have an actual chapter up as I'm still working on ideas and planning and everything, but I am so excited for this story.

Part of me is honestly super scared to even begin writing it because I know I'm not the best writer, and it will need a lot of editing, and honestly I don't even know if I can do the story justice, but you can bet I'm going to try.

So let me know what you think! I love getting feedback, and getting it back this early would be amazing.

Also, if you wouldn't mind answering some questions, that'd be great too!

[ Questions. ]

1. How do you go about brainstorming for new stories?
2. Do you ever feel like you're not doing your story justice? How do you get over that?
3. If you plan your stories how do you go about doing that?
4. How do you even go about adding diversity to your characters? (That's something I want to do, but I feel 100% incapable.)
5. Do you have a special way you organize your stories?

I hope everyone is having or has had a good day. And if you didn't, this is me giving you a virtual hug.
April 29th, 2016 at 11:08pm