Blake Is Very Tired

So the blog prompt thing for today is "What do you wear to bed" and I'm going to be super up front right now and let you know this isn't going to be as upbeat as my usual blogs and at the moment I don't want to really get into it so...

I was going to joke that we all know I don't sleep, but whatever.

In the winter I wear pajama pants and a t-shirt, now that the weather is nice I've switched to some basketball shorts. Sometimes if it's super cold I'll wear a hoodie as well, but I never wear socks, never that's just wrong.
On a different note I got to see my niece and nephew today and they've grown so much. They are like two times as big as they were last time I saw them a month ago.

And I got to drive a bunch which is always fun and at one point I got behind this driver who was going a bit below the speed limit and I was like "this is what it must feel like for people driving behind me" because I like to keep close to the speed limit, not under, but not too much over.
I'm going to end it here.

I hope everyone has had a good day.
May 1st, 2016 at 04:10am