Job Hunting

Has anyone been in my shoes where they have had the toughest time finding their first job? I can't for the life of me find a job, I've never worked, and desperation has hit me like a ton of bricks to my face. I've been to interviews and never made it past and that's as close as I've gotten to working, and one session of training, but never actually got the job, I'm not sure what to do, I'm always asking for help because I can't seem to figure it out on my own, and I really am looking to finally support myself and move out of my parents so I can follow my goals and move to Vegas, probably the most expensive city out there.

I'm curious, what would be a job to start off with. I've got advice from my father saying something in the restaurant business is probably your best bet, although I'm not really a people person. I have the worst social anxiety and prefer to work alone, that's what I want to do. Something I can do without having to be around too many people at a time before having a panic attack. I know most jobs require being open with the public, but I'm not good with people, I always embarrass myself.

If you walked into the store I worked out, I'd probably look at you and start shaking, no one wants that. I'm not saying I'm totally helpless, I apply for jobs every single day, but people look for tons of experience, experience I really don't have. How was it looking for your first job, hopefully I'm not alone here.

Love, Bri.
May 10th, 2016 at 08:43pm