I've finally started writing something that has the potential to be sort of a little bit good...

Okay, so I started writing a slash story in the Summer holidays, and to be honest it wasn't half bad. But then I thought to myself, 'how many times has this been done before?' I like reading slash stories, but somehow most of them end up with the same story line. Nearly all of them involve someone in hospital, or someone getting beaten up/run over/mugged, and mine was hardly an individual storyline. Plus, I have the tendency to go into just a little bit too much detail on certain parts...^.^

So, last night, for no reason in particular, I decided to start another fanfic. I was planning for it to be muh deeper, much more emotional, and therefore much harder to write.
The idea came to me about mental illness (as my dad is a manic depressive I should know a little bit), however I don't know very much apart from that, a couple of Mark Haddon books and the film 'Girl, Interrupted'. Still, might as well give it a shot.

I started to write - Gerard in hospital, Frank going to visit. It was nearly 1am and I was so determined. Eventually I went to sleep, and when I woke up this morning and read it back, it wasn't quite working.

So I've started again (I only wrote a couple of pages last night anyway), this time with Gerard and his girlfriend Emily. I will put a disclaimer on it, but just so you know, Emily isn't based on anyone in real life, and I chose the name purely because I like it.

So just thought I'd let you know that I will be writing a fanfic, and I apologise if it is rubbish and boring, but it's a really hard subject to write about and I'm going to try my best to capture it in it's true form.

One problem - I have heaps of homework to do today, and my mom wants me to get out of the house later >=[
I don't mind the homework - it's English, so that's okay =] I'm writing more articles for my music magazine (I'll post them later) like the one I posted about an interview with Aiden.
Downside: I won't have much time to do the fanfic.
I also probably won't be posting any until I'm wayyy into it, probably not until I'm at least half way, because I like to make sure it's as near to perfect as I can get before I show it to the world.

Chloee xo
October 14th, 2007 at 06:18pm