First Story Ideas

Hello, Mibba! I was happy to have received such a warm welcome upon my arrival to this magnificent website. There are many people here with much kindness. I see why Michelle loved it here. I hope I continue to see more love from this site.

I'm pretty excited, Mibba. I've thought of two stories to begin my journey here. One is called Crystal Academy and it's about a school of magic (Sort of like Hogwarts, but with many differences. It'll involve the zodiac and more than just wizards/mages/warlocks/witches.)

There is also Emerald Secrets (this title is subject to change) which is about an elf prince under a curse, a forbidden romance, and a dying kingdom. It's inspired by a phone app called Romantic Diary.

Hopefully, I can write this soon, but my brother is getting ready to go abroad, so I'm spending as much time with him as possible. I mean, sure there's Skype and all, but I won't see him for quite some time and calls just aren't the same. So we plan to do a little shopping, and then him, his best friend, his girlfriend, and I are all heading to the beach for the weekend since he leaves Tuesday.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. Bye-bye, Mibba! I'll be back later!
May 19th, 2016 at 01:23am