Body: The Exhibition (Poem)

I have been in such a huge slump lately, Mibba.

I'm really out of ideas as to how and where to advertise my writing. I post here, on Tumblr, on my Facebook fan page, on []Twitter[/url]...I'm not on a ton of social media platforms so that's a lot already and I'm really struggling to gain any kind of regular audience.

If anyone has suggestions as to places I can go for posting my writing, I'd really appreciate it. I'm starting to feel like there's really no point in publicly posting my writing anymore because I am incapable of gaining an audience. And I realize an audience isn't the sole reason to write, but at least where my PuckerMob articles are concerned, having an audience is how I get paid. And right now, I'm not getting paid.

And it's just hard not to be down on myself for my failures. I feel like a failure as a writer and as a person. And lately I've had a massive existential crisis over the existence of time. But that is a post for another day (read: never) because I don't feel like I can emotionally handle getting into it right now (read: ever) but good lord Mibba please find a way to make me stop obsessing over how little time there is in a lifetime because god it is fucking me up hardcore.

Anyway. I keep wanting to write, but I feel like there's nothing in me. Nothing I care enough about to write about. No pressing urge to write. No need. No poems bubbling out of me. Nothing. I try to write anyway but it turns into me trying to force words to come and it doesn't work and it just ends up being painful.

Part of me can't help but feel that the problem is simply I have nothing to say worth saying, and that maybe that's because I haven't lived a life worth living or talking about.

I am seriously having like six different brands of existential crisis at once right now. Fuck.

Anyway. Here's my latest poem which I posted to WordPress:

Body: The Exhibition
May 20th, 2016 at 02:21am