Resident Evil BLOW my mind. Agree?

Well, who could blame my fifteen year old brain not being able to cope with NC16 movies, that are very gorey, shocking and lol, kinda lame but funny.

I was bored one day, so I decided, I am about to be 16 this year, why not just ruin my innocence and watch something scary, like Resident Evil. (fine, you may not find it scary.. cause i am more chicken shit, scared at the slightest indication of ghost)

Fifteen minutes late, I rushed into the cinema and ..

BAM! One zombie flew out from one corner of the screen and scared the hell out of me.
Some people even jumped. I was to the point of laughing at them, cause afterall thats my defense mechanism to counteract the fear.

And I had one ride of hell, no don't get me wrong. The plot was good, Milla was fantastic and she was an extremely good ass kicker but no, I was shaking after ever 'BOO-zombie!' scares. Damn, the sound was fantastic but cleverly placed that it made everyone jumped!

Some even cursed at the sound, cause they spilled popcorns. It must have sucked to be them.

I would want to watch again, but this time bring my friends along, have some fun seeing them screaming for mercy. (okay, i exaggerate but you get the point)

Do you watch it and how do you find it? Just spill it, if you think it sucked, you're welcome here~

But I still love it though!
October 14th, 2007 at 10:30pm