Between College and Career...

Last week was weird.

I graduated from a two-year program at community college the Friday previously and I had no idea what to do with myself. Seriously. I applied for college the same day I graduated high school. I spent a month looking for a job, filling out financial aid, looking for a car, and then college classes started. I haven’t had an idle week since.

Until last week. My college takes a couple of weeks to process transcripts, so I’m sitting around waiting for them to be ready. Then I have to schedule and wait for the exam to get my professional credentials, which is likely already full for this month, which means I will have to wait until next month to take it. Then I will be able to apply for a paid, remote internship which will only take up three or four days of my week.

So what the hell am I supposed to do with myself for the next few weeks and then half-of-a-week forever?

Wait…am I allowed to swear in blogs? –frantically searches the forums— Okay, I’m allowed to swear here. Just not in the title.

Anyhoo, after a few days last week of cleaning every inch of the house, doing daily Bible study, partaking in an extensive daily beauty regimen, doing small, detergent-wasting loads of laundry, and studying a couple of hours for my exam (these tasks usually all being completed by one o’clock), I found an answer – writing. I wrote a lot in elementary and middle school, but got away from it in high school in favor of science-y things. It’s a good thing I found it again, because I was starting to drive myself crazy.

I even started a “healthy eating” thing. I downloaded this app called My Fitness Pal and have been tracking my meals and weight. I highly recommend it, because I’ve been doing it a week and have already lost almost two pounds. This doesn’t count as advertising, does it? Because I’m not getting paid for mentioning it, I just think it’s awesome.

So I decided to start back. I already have a couple of them posted (the first one took me about an hour to actually create, since I had issues with uploading a cover photo) and you can find them here – that’s the “whoring out my stories” I mentioned in my first blog post. I have run into a few issues, though. The first one is that I am kind of a slow typer, working at about 45 words a minute. The second is one I’m sure you are all familiar with – the writer’s block. Coming up with a handful of story ideas took two days of this:


I hope I did that right; this whole BB Code is confusing me big-time.

So, to sum up, I’ve been bored so I started writing again. And, may I just say, I am thoroughly enjoying it. I hope the stories turn out good, because I haven’t had anyone give me feedback on writing since about the 8th grade. Ha ha.
May 23rd, 2016 at 08:54pm