GIF/Collage Help

I finally figured out how to make my own gifs! I'm super pumped because now I can take any video I want and convert it to a gif(I'll link the tutorial at the end) and use it for my stories.

So I made some gifs, and I love them, but I need help into making those gifs into a collage of sorts. First off, is it possible to make gifsinto a collage? I know there's a lot of programs for pictures, but I'm not sure about gifs.

I want a collage as simple as this one. Except, I don't want it side by side, I'd like it stacked. And I'd like a 5px white line between them.

The gifs I want to use are:


If anybody can help me out, I'd be forever grateful!

Gif making tutorial

Also, spoiler alert, I'm reviving Monsters In Your Bed. That's why there's a new layout. Even though I'm going to change it. I'm re-writing all of it. So be prepared.
May 25th, 2016 at 04:20am