My First Blog Survey

Stolen from ZackyEffingVengeance, who stole it from Phoebe Buffay. :3

→ Name: Lily
→ Birthday: March 8th
→ Nickname: Just Lily :3
→ Eye Color: Brown
→ Hair Color: Light brown
→ Zodiac Sign: Pisces
→ Your weaknesses: Chocolate, my puppies, and good books
→ Your fear: Boredom
→ Your perfect pizza: Extra cheese, mushrooms, sausage, ham, tomatoes, stuffed crust with marinara dipping sauce
→ Goal you’d like to achieve: I’d really like to finish my first story
→ Your best physical feature: Nice figure

This Or That…
→ Pepsi or Coke: Depends on my mood.
→ McDonald’s or Burger King: Neither
→ Adidas or Nike: Neither.
→ Chocolate or Vanilla: Swirl! :D
→ Cappuccino or coffee: Gross. Neither

Do You…
→ Smoke: No
→ Curse: I try not to.
→ Sing: Yes, but not necessarily well
→ Dance: See previous answer
→ Take a shower everyday: Every other day. I'm too lazy for that shit.
→ Have a crush: No.
→ Want to get married: Yes, and I plan on doing it soon.
→ Get motion sickness: Unfortunately.
→ Think you’re attractive: When I put on something other than pajamas
→ Get along with your parents: When I put some effort into it

Have you ever…
- Flashed anyone: No.
→ Been beaten up: No
→ Shoplifted: No.
→ Eaten Sushi: No
→ Been on stage: Yes.
→ Made homemade cookies: No, but I have made homemade brownies
→ Gone Skinny dipping: Yes.
→ Stolen anything: Yes.

In the opposite sex…
→ Best eye color: Blue.
→ Best hair color: Black.
→ Short hair or long hair: Short hair, the length where it can be neat or messy.
May 25th, 2016 at 04:03pm