I May Have Overestimated My Abilities...



What have I done? Image

I've just finished, and posted, my first story in 84 years and I'm wiped! The sheer number of contests that I have entered (which I have no business entering) makes my palms sweaty.Image

I would make a contest master list thingy, but I'm far too lazy, so I'll just wing it and see what happens. Story of my life.

I doubt this is anywhere near one hundred words yet, so I'll just tell you all about my week.

Monday was uneventful, I worked, sweated my ass off. Fun times.

Tuesday, however, I was accused of poisoning my customers O_O a woman charged up to the counter, grabbed a packet of crisps from the display and proceeded to wave them in my face and tell me I was poisoning everyone with MSG. One, I don't have any power over what we sell, and two, you'd need to eat around 300 grams of MSG before anything happened. (I googled it). I just fobbed her off with a "we'll look into it" lie and carried on about my day. The ice cream van lady pissed me off, too. I know I have a resting bitch face but I don't think that warrants being called stuck up?

The rest of my week has been spent on my ass, being unproductive and procrastinating procrastination. This is why I should not enter contests and give myself deadlines I will never meet.

Also, I went back to heretic. I missed it.

To round off this shambles of a blog, have some of Evan Peters' face.

Such a beautiful specimen. Image
May 28th, 2016 at 05:20pm