Left My Job || Taking a Sabbatical

After almost a year, I finally put in my two weeks. Yesterday was my last day. It was pretty weird, working the last two days. I hadn't been excited to leave, and as we wrapped up last night, I felt like I was going to go back in on Monday. But I'm not. It's strange.

I wasn't very vocal about this a year ago when I started, but I worked at a convenience store / gas station. It was a decent job, a lot of things to keep up with (more than you would think at a silly gas station). But the job was fun and gave me a lot of knowledge on people, and work ethic.

But all of a sudden, at the turn of the year, I started getting antsy. It wasn't until one of my best friends who worked with me left that I realized that I could do the same. I wasn't happy, so why stay somewhere that wasn't making me happy. Now before you say, "The paycheck," let me tell you that around the turn of the year, we got a new manager, and the store went downhill. I did my best not to let that bother me, but morale was being beaten out of people.

Side note: Part of my personality is that I absorb the personalities around me. If someone's flirting with me, I flirt back. If someone is quiet, I become quiet. If someone is an asshole, I give it right back (although not at an appropriate time). If someone is anxious or nervous around me, I get anxious. End side note.

So with the morale being beaten out of the people I worked with, I started feeling the same way. And that really got to me, because of loved my job. But because I was so happy, I couldn't function properly. So I figured that I deserve to treat myself, even if that meant putting in my two weeks. I figured my mental health was well worth it, though.
I'm going to be taking the summer off, taking a road trip somewhere. I'm going to go west (as I'm just about as far east as you can go in the US). I want to see all five of the Great Lakes, travel through the Badlands, see some sky country through Montana, and then stop by Puget Sound before heading south. I want to see some of the Yosemite and Redwood national parks before heading to the Grand Canyon.

So far, I'm going alone. I love to drive, so this will be a really great opportunity to do so. Travelling outside of my state will be a fun. I go down to Boston every now and then, but that takes nearly a day to do so, straight through.

I'm really excited, actually. I think will be good for my mind and soul. And then, if I come back, I will be ready to tackle something else.

Have a great day, everyone.

~ Felix.
May 29th, 2016 at 07:16pm