Monday #2

Memorial Monday

Wow, it doesn’t seem like a week since I started Mibba. It seems so much longer, ha ha. Especially since my mom gave me her iPad and now I can check it without sitting at the desktop computer.

This week was better than the week before, boredom-wise. I did have a mild stomach flu and went a whole day without eating anything but a handful of Saltines. I planned out the next few chapters for all but one of my stories and I started on I’ll Use You as a Warning Sign. Also, I was talking to my mom and she thinks that the title of my vampire story should have a capital W in the word ‘we,’ making it What a Wicked Game We Play, but I’m not sure if that’s right. Can anyone tell me if it’s supposed to be capitalized?

Aside from all the writing/planning I got done, I also managed to go on a nice date with my fiancé. We went to one of those places where practically the whole floor is a grid of trampolines. They also had a “ninja course” where you could climb and swing across a series of contraptions over a pit full of foam cubes. I tried a tightrope walk, swinging on ribbons, a rock-wall, and a bridge of horizontal poles suspended like swings that I had to walk across while going higher and higher. The only ones I fell off of were the rock wall (although I almost made it to the end!) and the tightrope walk. It was a blast, a serious work-out, and it was only $12 for an hour.

We also saw the Angry Birds movie. Judging it as a children’s movie, it was a good movie. It lacked what I like to call “hidden adult humor,” which you typically find in Disney movies. The plot was a bit predictable, but it had a lot of funny moments and is especially funny if you’ve actually spent any extended amount of time playing Angry Birds on your phone.

Today I am binge-watching Naked and Afraid with my fiancé, since he has the day off from school, and hopefully I’ll get a little writing done at the same time. Also, I found a new story I’m really enjoying. It’s called Monster and it’s a Bucky Barnes story by Indigo Umbrella and I’m only on the third chapter, but I’m already completely enticed.

And that’s pretty much what I did with my week. I’ll see you next Monday. Happy Memorial Day, everyone. Feel free to hit me up if you feel like having a chat. <3
May 30th, 2016 at 08:35pm