June Blog Challenge #3: The Dirt on My Day

Write about your day in great detail

My alarm clock goes off at 6:45 am and 7:15am. I got up around 7. Turned on Pandora (on shuffle of course) found some jeans and a cute top to wear for work because unfortunately I had to leave the house.

(will put a pic here later since I'm currently at said job)

I work for a nutraceutical corporation, which means my company makes health supplements (vitamins). We make fish oil, join health vitamins, and immune health stuff. It's a great place to work. I'm in marketing specifically, which means I advertise.

I had some yogurt for breakfast with this amazing coffee that have in K-cups at work. My morning was pretty boring; except my co-workers parents came to tour the company (that was cool). We had final sign off this morning, and we got some new labels taken care of.. so YES!

I worked through lunch because I had to go through this whole 'take your grandpa to the doctor because he can't drive anymore and there's no one else to help out' deal which I don't mind because I do live with him and he's like the only father I've ever really had... But still, I haven't had a lunch break this week... I did take a few minutes to go walk with some friends/co-workers though.

From 1-1:30 in 90 degree heat we walked a little less than a mile. Yep, I'm exhausted. Then I had my ADP meeting which means I can officially see my time card punches! YAY!

Now, I'm researching our where to buy stuff and of course writing blogs because I've checked these where to buy pages a million times over, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
June 3rd, 2016 at 09:29pm