The Stanford Rape Case

First, let me start out by saying I don't want any shitty comments in the comments. While debating is okay, victim bashing is not! If you have nothing constructive to say, please just stay off the comments.

Second, let me also add that I have not followed the story since the beginning but what is going on is an atrocity and everyone should know just how horribly lenient the sentence was and how today's society is supporting rape culture and victim shaming.

Long story short, the girl went to a frat party and before hand had a few drinks. When she got to the frat party had more drinks and blacked out. The perpetrator, Brock Turner, was at the frat party and through a series of events, the girl and himself ended up behind a dumpster, with her unconscious and him assaulting her. Some good samaritans came by, witnessed the crime and put a stop to it.

Now fast forward through the trial, the judge only sentenced Brock Turner to 6 months in prison, with the chance of getting out after 3 months for good behavior because "A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him. I think he will not be a danger to others"

Excuse me?
He would be severely impacted?
He's not a danger to others?

This is all because the girl was drunk and "“there is less moral culpability attached to the defendant, who is ... intoxicated,”
Why does it matter if she was drunk? Why does it matter if he was drunk? She wasn't able to say no, obviously since she was unconscious. She wasn't able to fend him off, and just because she couldn't isn't her saying 'yes'.

This judgment is sickening and paves the way for future drunk guys to say, "Well she was drunk too and didn't exactly say no." It is reprehensible.

And to top it off is the statement Brock Turner's father released after the sentence. “That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.” This type of talk is why our society is regressing back to a time when rape was apparently okay.

How about instead of telling girls they need to dress more conservatively, instead of telling girls they shouldn't get drunk or go out lest they put themselves in danger of being raped we hold men accountable for their crimes and give them a punishment they deserve. How about we raise our sons to respect women, that sexual harassment and rape is wrong, and that only YES means yes.
June 8th, 2016 at 06:31am