30 Day Blog Challenge: Day One


So I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and do this 30 day blog challenge thing. I've seen some others are doing it and it's really interesting to read peoples different answers.

So day one: Your current relationship

I am currently in a relationship with a man named Jeffrey. We've been together for six years and have been engaged for five and a half. We have a little boy together named Benjamin and we also have a cat named Chewbacca and a cat named Leia. (yes we're Star Wars fans) We're getting married in a few short months and I'm very excited! We've come a long way and have even broken up a few times but we're finally doing it and I couldn't be more happier.

Jeffrey is 28 and I am 25. We met online through the site Plenty of Fish before there was such a thing as 'fuckboys' and all these other terms I still don't understand HA! I'm glad I'm not a single women and have to deal with bullshit like that, I think I'd live alone.

I thought Jeff was a creep when he first messaged me. The first message read "Oh Trenton? I've been there once...wouldn't mind going again ;)" I ignored him. But then he kept sending me message after message and thought I'd give him a chance... I'm glad I did.

He's stupid and a jerk sometimes, but I guess all guys are.

See you tomorrow!
June 9th, 2016 at 12:53am