Blog Challenge Day Four -Oh, Boy...-

Your views on religion

So first off I'll say that as I know this is a touchy and controversial subject, I by no means intend for this to offend anyone. Plus is is my own opinion.

I don't believe in god...or Jesus or anything like that. I've only been to church twice in my life and that was when I was forced to by my grandmother. I don't have reason why I don't believe, like I said, I just don't.

I feel like, if there was a god or whatever, that they would stop all the awful things in the world from happening. If god loved people like people say he does, then how come he's letting people die and letting people hurt young children, letting rape and murder happen?

The way I think about is, someone wrote a book during awful times and people just loved the book so much that people believed in it and so now people think all these things happened.

You never know, maybe thousands of years from now people will think the book 'Harry Potter' happened.

That being said, if someone I know does believe in god, Buddha (hubby does) I'm not going to disrespect them and tel them no, you're wrong No. That's not who I am. If I'm having dinner with you and you pray before you eat, I'm not going to disrespect you by eating while you pray to your god, or whoever you believe in. That's just not who I am. I will bow my head down with you because I'm you're friend and I respect you enough to do so.

If my son grows up and say 'mom, I believe in god' or mom, I believe in Buddha' or anything. I'm not gonna be like, 'no, you're not allowed because I don't believe in anything' No That is my son, and I love him. If he comes to me with something like that, I'll do my best to bring him to church or get him educated on the subjects.

My beliefs are mine, and yours, are yous. Simple.

And if people argue that they are right and you are wrong, fuck 'em. You don't need that person(s) in your life.

I hope this all makes sense.
June 11th, 2016 at 07:33pm