Sorta Kinda Planning Maybe?

So, ideally I will be working on a tri-fold plan of reading more, writing again, and still being the admin of a roleplay forum. I feel like, while this is a hefty load for someone that sucks at time management like me, it's still something that I really want to be able to do. This is usually a difficult task for me because I've a history of self-sabotage when it comes to writing. Especially when it comes to NaNo, but more of late, it's writing in general. Just joining this site had my depression flaring up hotly and left me pretty much useless the last three days. I didn't want to game, I didn't want to write, I couldn't even bother to post.

I'm trying to power through. I've always found rambling in a blog as sort of cathartic. Like whining to myself in a public space. So here I am, listing my high hopes.

[ Reading ]
I think, for now, I don't want to commit to anything real serious. I have two books on the coffee table staring at me. Nightlife by Bob Thurman that a friend got me. Modern supernatural stuff that could be fun that a friend got me. Then there's Seeds of Earth by Iain M. Banks. Space Opera. Which I never really understood what that meant, only that I guess it's supposed to be about a lot of space stuff? 8D I also started House of Leaves but I got eaten by Black Desert Online. Now that I actually HAVE time that isn't being destroyed by an MMO, I'll get back into reading. I'll probably start with the stories on here before I start a book. Maybe get back into House of Leaves.

[ Writing ]
So, I've attempted several stories in my years of writing. None of which have been completed and, as I've mentioned at the beginning of this blog, I self-sabotage hard. Really hard. Even thinking about writing usually puts me in a shitty mood where I get nothing done for days. But I'm going to be trying to change that with a 'prompt challenge' I'm doing with a friend of mine. 200 prompts in some odd 200 days. No word count or anything like that, like we did in the past. But more of a 'just try to write something every day'. So that's my goal. Since I've been such a shitter the last three days, this blog is really the first thing I've written. I'm using it not only to redefine my focus, but sort of… warm up. Here's to 200 prompts!

[ Roleplaying ]
This has more to do with my goals as an admin, but I've some 18 characters on the site I manage. We've been kicking around for 2+ years with our own ups and downs, but it's great. I doubt I'll be bringing too much of my writing from there to here, but I may drag over some of the solos I've done. Mostly it's just… trying to commit to doing more posting, getting my ass in gear, and working on the timeline for the plot. Really need to figure that shit out. I may try compiling some more of the encyclopedia works too.
June 13th, 2016 at 11:38am