Update Vol.3

Hey y'all,
I'm back again (for the third time?). University has a tendency to kick me in my whole ass lmao. And then when you think you're out of that tunnel, life comes around and kicks you again. But! I'm here again and ready to write : )
So here's a turbo update:
- I'm finishing university in less than a month
- Turned 21 (wtf)
- Got my full driver's license
- Got a puppo (King Charles cavalier named Lucy)
- Sinus infection to the max
- Still cute af

This site has died down a lot and that's to be expected, but if any of you are reading this I just wanna say I love y'all and I hope you enjoy mine and Lauren's (AshleyJinxxBiersack) stories! Both are band related - Knife Blood Knightmare is a mob story w/ Motionless In White and Falling In Reverse and Once Upon a Dream is a witch/vampire/supernatural story w/ BVB, FIR and MIW.
Check 'em out, they both have a lot of chapters !

- Christina xx
June 17th, 2016 at 09:41am