
Hello fellow Mibbians!

So, I’ve been updating a couple of stories here and there. I’m slowly getting back into writing and I’m taking my time so I do not get burnt out again. This last few months have been stressful and I need my therapy (my writing).

This blog probably isn’t going to be very long.

But, life has been okay. I’ve been down on myself lately, it’s my body dysmorphia disorder and it’s kicking my ass. It’s just that lately I literally hate every single thing about my body and my face. There are times when I stand back and look at it and see how dumb it is to do so. I mean, I’m a firm believer in everyone is beautiful because they are all a very unique piece of art. I just fucking hate this disorder. I haven’t even done my make-up or hair in weeks because my mind keeps telling me that I’m not worth it. But I’m gonna fight out of this like I always do.

Honestly, I don’t remember how to post a blog here. Lol

So, tonight I’m planning on letting loose a little bit and drinking. I just picked up Three Olives Bubble Gum vodka and might I say it smells delicious.

Also, for my OITNB peeps (that have finished the season like me >.<) what’s up with that? Grr Hopefully you know what I’m talking about. Lol

Welp. Farewell for now. I’m going to go play my favorite drinking game here soon.
June 23rd, 2016 at 03:24am