Our House Was Broken Into and I Was Awake for It.

So Friday night, I was up with my daughter until around 3AM because I study while she plays (we have a horrible sleep cycle). Well, she was up bouncing her ball and her cartoons were playing pretty loudly in the background while I did some homework. I heard what sounded like the refrigerator door opening in the kitchen and I honestly thought it was just my boyfriend's dad getting milk and cookies like he always does at 3AM. I didn't hear anything after that so finally we went to sleep like normal.

Well 6AM rolls around and my boyfriend wakes up for work to discover that not only was our front door wide open (which was the noise I heard apparently) but the tv in the living room was gone and someone went into his grandmother's room to take her keys which she keeps by her door and they even stole her cheap cricket phone which was on her bed.

Someone literally waltzed into our house, heard my daughter playing in our room and continued to go into my boyfriends' grandmother's room and take her things while she was asleep in there, and then they even grabbed our tv in the living room and I heard nothing after that noise. What's worse is they took her car too and we live like an hour away from the Mexican border so it's probably long gone.

It's terrifying to think that I could have actually gotten up and gone to get my daughter a snack (which I usually do at that time) and come face to face with some psycho robber. What's even worse is I only heard that one noise and if it was him opening the front door, he walked right past my window which from the outside you can only see that the tv is on you cant see the actual inside.

Thankfully, I didn't get up. Thankfully, we weren't hurt. Thankfully this freak didn't come into my room where my baby was causing a bunch of racket.

June 27th, 2016 at 09:13am