From My Past

Recently someone from my past, someone who hurt me a lot many years ago, has popped back into my life. When I knew him I was this naive little girl, who had never really had much bad happen to her and who was in love for the very first time. It took me a very long time to recover from this man, who shattered my young fragile heart into a million pieces. But I have. Ive grown into a fairly successful woman. Ive finished school, become a nurse, bought my first house, and met a man who is everything I could want, who treats me like a princess.
But now this other man from my past has contacted me, and I'm not exactly sure how I'm feeling, how I should feel. I don't hold any hate for him any longer, nor love. But i still remember how I used to feel. I was so in love with him, so furious with him, so hurt and so wounded by him.
I feel such a need to express what I'm feeling to someone, anyone. But everyone i know that knew him would just shut me down. Your friends and family do not forget what people have done to you. If they knew I had gotten coffee with this man who hurt me so much, they would be upset. I cant talk to them about this need I had to show him that he didn't break me. That I'm healthy and in a good place. That I've made something of myself despite what he put me through. I suppose that is why i am returning to this website that was such an outlet for me during that time in my life when i knew this man. None of you know me, maybe no one will ever read this, so it is a safe place for me to dump what I'm feeling.
So I agreed to meet with him. I had no idea what he wanted. Maybe he had some kind of STD and he was contacting all of his past lovers (I knew i had nothing, i have been tested since), maybe he was single again and remembered how much of a catch i was (not that I would ever ruin what i have now for a man who did what he did to me all of those years ago). I didn't know what he wanted, I am still not sure. So i'm driving to meet him, and the whole time I'm squirming with anxiety. My fight or flight response is activated and I just want to turn around and forget that I agreed to this. I'm thinking, what on earth is making me want to meet this man again? But i did meet him.

Maybe ill continue this story at another time, I'm not sure. But it has felt good to get this off of my chest.
June 27th, 2016 at 06:00pm