This Generation Is Doomed

I find it kind of sad that people cannot disagree and still be civil. I remember arguing with my friends one day and the next hanging out still because we were friends. Now? Nope. If people's opinions don't match up then buh bye. Have a disagreement? End of friendship.

Guess I got deleted for calling someone out on comparing the sufferings of those in war to listening to fireworks. I had an uncle who talked about his experience in the veitnam war once. The pain in his eyes as he talked about his brothers dying in front of him... I imagine it's the same for those living in war-torn areas. And I can't grasp the comparison to a few fireworks but I digress. I'm sorry I'm such a fail sheeple. I keep forgetting that I'm only allowed a voice if it coincides with the masses. Do I at least get a a participation trophy? That's fine though. I am used to that. I keep wishing my friendship means more to people.

But every day I am finding that people are becoming more and more self-absorb. Hurt someone's feelings? Death to you and your family. Support someone who everyone hates? Obviously a racist bigot, even though it's simply an opinion on muscians. Prefer dogs over cats? Disgraceful. May all your loved ones be set upon by the fleas of the dirty mongrels. Let's not even touch vegetarians vs meat consumers. Yikes.

It's just funny. And this is why I can't be bothered to make new friends and now only shrug when old ones dismiss me. I don't cater to anyone's feelings anymore. I'm not going to bend over backwards to please anyone who isn't going to offer me the same curtousy.

Go ahead and say it if you want to. I am a horrible person for not wiping the tear of every crying person. I know it. And I will only piss more and more people off. I am sorry for that, but I was raised better than that.

I was raised to be proud of who I am. To find my flaws and attempt to fix them. That I won't succeed every day, but to celebrate on the days I do and learn from the days I don't. I was also taught that the world is cruel, as are the people in it. But not to let that alter me because I should love and accept those who love and accept me. And there may only be a handful that do but they mean the world to me.

Why we can't have differences anymore astounds me. That's what my mom wanted out of me. If the world is full of apples she wanted me to be an orange. But apparently my acidity is too high. I know the generation is not actually doomed, just saddens me. Gone is when we pushed people to fly their freaky flags. Welcome the age of accepting each other's uniqueness as long as it matches each others.

As much as I want to belong to generation who brought about love and thoughtfulness... I can't deny that we are going about it the wrong way. To become open minded does not mean to bash everyone you believe is wrong.
July 6th, 2016 at 12:04pm