Now That I'm Nineteen I'll Do Something Incredible That Blows God's Freakin' Mind! (Happy Birthday to Me!)

Title credit to The Book of Mormon soundtrack.

Hello y'all.

Today is the first day of Virgo season which means it's my birthday!

I'm the youngest of all my friends at school so I'm proud to say that I am finally 19!

What incredible thing will I be doing, you ask?

I have no idea lol

All of my friends are already away at college so I'm literally all alone on my birthday (minus my parents). My mom wanted family over but it's a Tuesday and plus I'm 19 and nobody cares about 19th birthdays. My dad may take me shopping and then for dinner we're going to Buffalo Wild Wings. I don't have to pay so here's to free food!!!

And yeah. That's about it. BUT I guess an "incredible" thing may be that I may lose my virginity? A friend and I have been talking FOREVER and yeah. Considering I said may lose my virginity you know where the conversation went. But our schedules are insane so we'll see. If nothing happens then I don't care. As long as I get my free food tonight.

I go back to school in five days. It feels like summer just started. I was looking back through my journal and it's so weird that June seems like a completely different summer than right now. I'm at a weird stage where I'm not excited to go back but at the same time I'm ready to get the fuck outta here. I'm gonna miss my dog. I cry whenever I have to leave her for so long (literally she's the only reason I didn't wanna go back when winter break was over. I had no tears for friends and family but as soon as I thought about my dog they came wtf). But if you mention decorating dorm rooms then I get extremely excited. My room is gonna be poppin' this year.

So yeah. Back to school the 28th for work reasons. My roommate moves in September 1 and then the first day of classes is September 6. I'm ready.

That's about it for now. Have a great day everyone!
August 23rd, 2016 at 05:51pm