My Old Stories Make Me Laugh

They're so bad. Seriously. I was just reading through one of them and I couldn't handle what I had done in it. Basically, it's a Frank Iero story (a sequel actually) and the main character's horrible, religious Aunt Helen comes to visit and disapproves of her niece having a boyfriend (Frank). Aunt Helen is basically abusive and makes Vanessa (the main character) break up with him. And then (this is where it gets really good), Vanessa's mother, seeing how miserable her daughter is, hire's an assassin to take out Helen. Now this isn't stated clearly in my story. I actually teamed up with another Mibbian who put Aunt Helen into her story, where her main character was hired to do hits.

I cannot. I'm legitimately dying laughing just thinking about it.

Anyway, sometimes I think I should just delete my old stories cause they are so awful. But I don't cause they're fun to go back and read, plus they show how much I improved, I think.

So... anyone else have any ridiculous plot lines in their old stories?
August 25th, 2016 at 12:54am