Daddy Issues/ Venting

It seems that whenever I come on this site, it’s always for venting purposes. It’s what the title says for sure, daddy issues on high. In my last blog post I vented on about how one should enjoy their youth and whatnot because the adult world is one big asshole of a disappointment. Yeah, well that theme is still very present in this post as well.

Development: my loan was denied from school because my dad’s income-debt ratio was too high.

Positive: they said that if my dad tries to take out a parent plus loan and is denied doing so, then they’ll give me more federal aid.

Negative: ha, you knew this was coming, he refuses to take it out. I mean I knew he didn’t love me enough, but for some reason I thought that after all these shows of affection he’s been showing me…maybe he would have.

I would have paid for it! I even said that. These past few days he had been soft and murmuring sweet words of encouragement. However, I suppose that’s all that it was. Just talk, just words.

It’s a big hit, but nothing I didn’t know already. But you know how human beings are, we always have that small glimmer of hope regardless of any unfortunate situation.

That’s just how we work.

Maybe, I’ll have some good news my next blog post.

Since I seem to want to let the bad out on some platform, why not distribute and share the good?

Perhaps that will keep me more positive, even though things aren’t looking that great right now.
August 27th, 2016 at 03:04am