*Ice Cube Voice* "Today Was a Good Day"

Semptember Prompt-a-Thon | September 1st | favorite thing about the day

I have officially joined this month's prompt challenge! Woot, woot! It's partly because I feel the need to challenge myself, but mainly because I'm a sucker for prompts. Who isn't though, right?

My favorite thing about the day is my new blog layout. XD
Ha, ha, I know, I know. That's pretty lame, but it truly is the best part of my day...thus far. I love creating any form of layout, signature, and most recently aesthetics. I always feel a sense of accomplishment afterwards and it's simply very gratifying; at least for me.

I love creating new things so much that I always make my layout before actually writing my story. Hah, I'm so bad! I can't help it though, I just love making layouts! I guess you could say I just love editing. (:

I suppose I technically have two favorite things for the day. Second, being that for dinner my hubby and I will be eating porterhouse steaks from work! *drools* I can't wait! They are sure to be delicious! ¡Mmm, delicioso!

Welp, that was my first prompt. I'm a bit behind on the days so I'll probably be posting the second one soon, either today or tomorrow. Or maybe Monday. Who knows. I'm off for the next two days so I'll have a lot of free time.

Anyway, thank you for reading. I hope you liked my new blog layout as much as I do. :D
On a side note: I am not opposed to anyone who would like a free layout made by me. I'm always willing to create new stuff. Message me if you'd like.
September 4th, 2016 at 02:58am