
Surprise, surprise, look who's back again.
It was meant to last for so long. She knew it and he knew it.
A weekend apart made them both realize how much they need and love one another.

She was sitting at the football game holding her cold shaking body wishing that he was there to hold her and keep her warm. It made it harder watching all the other couples cuddling under warm blankets together. Friday night games just weren't the same without him.
She couldn’t deny it. She missed him and she could only wish that he missed her as well.

He was at camp, trying to smile at the pretty girls telling jokes but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He missed her too much. Before the weekend started he was looking forward to camp, but now that it was here all he wanted to do was go home and hold her in his arms forever.

“I’ve missed you so much, even if it was only three days apart.” He whispered into her ear gently.
“I missed you too” she breathed relieved into his chest.

He held her close wishing to never part, little did he know she was praying for the very same thing.
October 17th, 2007 at 05:39am