Stay Safe

Hurricane Matthew is one hell of a strong hurricane. Right now it's currently in the Bahamas and it's currently a Category 3 hurricane. I think later tonight it's supposed to hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane. This is scary. It makes me glad that I live in the North East.

To everyone that is getting hit by this storm, please stay safe. I've been following the storm via the weather channel and it's pretty big. Originally the northeast was supposed to get some of it, but we have seemed to luck out.

Looks like early Friday morning it's due to hit Florida, so please be safe everyone!! Stay indoors, make sure your prepared with flashlights and candles incase the power goes out. LED Candles are the bomb too.



These are images from a couple hours ago but it probably hasn't changed much since then. So be safe everyone!! I'll be thinking about everyone from Haiti, to the Bahamas, to Florida, and to the Carolinas.
October 5th, 2016 at 10:03pm