"The Accident" by Khloe Kardash Review

Story: The Accident
Author: Khloe Kardash
Rating: 4.5/5

The Accident by Khloe Kardash is a story that follows the aftermath of a car crash that killed the protagonist's boyfriend after the protagonist, a woman named Annabelle, got behind the wheel of a car drunk. There isn't much to it yet with it being only 249 words but what's there keeps you hooked. The story leaves you with questions such as: why did the boyfriend let her drive drunk? or why was she drunk? which are some questions that even I have circling my brain and are hoping get answered as the story progresses.

In my opinion the only downside to the story is the realism and detail, now these go hand-in-hand because I would have liked to have some more detail on the car wreck. Even if it was just a flashback or a memory, something to show us why she hadn't be arrested. The realism comes in to play with the fact that should this be realistic, she would have been charged or at least investigated, which was something that could up the interest on this.

It's because of this that the story got 4.5 and not a perfect 5 but I still love this story and I am excited to see this update.
October 5th, 2016 at 11:27pm