One Hundred Words a Day: NaNoWriMo Edition



Happy Halloween and, ohmygod, it's NaNo time!

Who is doing NaNo this year? What story are you working on? What genre? What's your plan of attack?

I'll be doing NaNo this year, working on a new story: Harlow and Glow. I've read a lot of really great novels this year that focus on Magical Realism so I'm excited to try something like that out on my own. Harlow and Glow is still pretty bare bones right now, as far as an idea or summary goes, but it's basically going to be able a young woman who finds magic in her city.

Plan of attack? WRITING GROUP!

The 1667 Words a Day writing group, specifically. It's along the same vein of the 100 Words a Day writing group, but the daily total will be bring us to roughly 50,000 words at the end of the month. Hopefully with a little encouragement and a place to pay attention to how much writing is getting done, we'll be able to hit the goal.

The club, the 1667 club, is open and everyone's welcome to join!

October 25th, 2016 at 01:07am