Hello All!

Hello everyone,

Today has been a good day. Although I have been moody the past few days and I never know why. I think I do but I try to rectify that. I know that I am letting my insecurities get the best of me and it is something that I really shouldn't do. I have been hating myself lately because I know I have been gaining weight and really eating too much. I know I need to cut back but I found that I have the lack of will power. I stress eat, I emotional eat and it is something that I want to work on. I need to learn to rely on no one but myself. It isn't right of me to rely on anyone else. I need to do this for myself and for my mental health. If I don't like myself I can change it. It isn't like it is unchangeable. I just have to cut back on the food intake and eat smaller portions. I have talked to many people I have worked with and it's what they suggest to. Even Rae has said that and I just need to do it. I need to push myself and not make excuses like I always do. Starting today I am going to try and do better. I need to start with pushing myself and only myself.

Also, if you ever want to do a co-write, I will do one. I will warn you that i like to plan some of it out first so that we are on the same page. I want to be able to know where we will be. I want to be able to write it how you would want to write it. I am open to them and I will be excited for it. Anyways this is shorter than my other one that I had lost because my computer decided that it couldn't detect an internet connection. Now off to give Poe a hair cut!
October 30th, 2016 at 10:12pm