My Dog

14 years ago, my father had a heart attack. He survived, luckily, but the doctor said he needed to exercise more, or go for walks if necessary. I was 13 at the time, and my mother said that a dog would be the best way to get my father out and moving.

We got a Jack Russel Terrier, her name would be Jacky and her tiny body was as big as my father's hand palm. She was energetic, loving and couldn't stand being alone for to long. She loved running around the house, crashing into walls and doors. Late at night she'd snuggle up next to me and give me warmth I've never felt before.

Today she's gone. She had a beautiful life. A full life. 14 years of unconditional love and memories.

She was old, had lost a lot of weight, refused to walk unless it was expected or demanded from her. The vet said she had a fever, and with a change in her liver, he even suggested she'd might have been developing cancer. She was not in pain, but she had given up. She'd be sleeping on the couch, would not respond to people coming and going, only even really looking up at you once you lifted her up and changed her position on the couch.

It was time.

Today I said goodbye to a friend, someone who I'd never wanted to say goodbye too. Just because she walked on all fours doesn't mean she was any less important to me.

I've given up on NaNo, though I will continue writing to the best of my abilities, this kind of takes priority.

November 5th, 2016 at 02:15pm