11-09-2016 Update

Well, it has been about five months since my last update. I have not, honestly, wanted to login for a while. Much of the love I have for this site is from old flames and being on here is but a reminder. So, pardon my absence.

~1•~ Derek and I are engaged

~2•~ In the next few months, Derek and I intend to move from our home in GC, IN. I have spent almost my entire life here, however. I would be lying if I said that leaving everything behind isn't frightening in many ways. But...I lived out of town for a year and was stuck in that house for 7 months 24/7. So, I know I can do it; I'm just nervous.

~3•~ Our son, Jasper, is in kindergarten and just celebrated his sixth birthday at his first convention (Toy Con). It was a rather eventful day, indeed.

~4•~ Erin is now two years old and growing like a weed. She continues to exhibit traits from the German half of my family, which makes me rather happy. She's slowly growing into a beautiful little child and is very eager to test her limits.

~5•~ My depression has been, gradually, been getting easier to handle. Derek has been one of the greatest eases of mind, with that and my anxiety. Nightmares come and go, still. My issues with bipolar waves, though, is only increasingly becoming a problem.
So, back in September, we found out something that has caused much concern at home and somewhat at work.
Growing up, my family and I knew about my Lumbar Lordosis (spinal condition where one of the vertebra in the lower curve is wedged and causes my arc to be much too deep).
What we discovered, when I went to the E.R. for getting hurt at work, is that I also have Thoracic Scoliosis. This means my spine, in between my shoulder blades, has a large curve to the side. I believe mine curves to the right.
We have been taking much care, recently, as it is. Derek had to help keep me calm when I couldn't use my legs for ten minutes. I couldn't feel or move them, at all, and I was in sheer panic.
We think it was from overdoing things (happened directly after intimacy).
I've been having moments when shooting tingles and numbness have gone down my legs, after lifting heavy things or bending in the wrong ways. However, it was utterly terrifying to go completely numb.
I have been working nights at McDonalds, since June 28, and it has been rather wonderful. I love my job and have so much fun.
I work with two of my old school friends and we pull occasional mild shenanigans.
$9/hr, Biweekly pay, 40+ hours a week (time and half for OT is $13.5), and I make just enough to pay rent and bills and buy some groceries. It's tight but we manage.
November 10th, 2016 at 04:25pm