Writer's Block and the Nuisance It Is

The title really says it all.

I'm almost posting this a bit late, because it seems to not be as bad now . But it's still there some-what, and I expect it to start up again once I'm done with the little projects I have. It's wonder I have them going, it's been so bad for me.

It's odd. I get that I've been working on my sewing more lately, seeing as how that's the career field I'm working on getting into. But still, with the way I usually come up with story and poetry ideas, I would've thought I'd also be writing more. Especially since most of the sewing projects I'm working on are costume, and that involves a lot of character development. It makes the costume better when you know who, what, and (as in my case) when you're portraying.

I will have to admit that I have had ideas of things to work on now. But with most of it, I go to work on it, and I hit a road block, as I have no idea what happens next. Even when I'm just causally writing things. This is what happened with a novel idea I had. I know what needs to happen, but I don't know why. And I can't figure it out--though, that may be me not ever feeling like researching the topic I need to for it.

That brings me to another point. I have decided I'd like to try my hand at writing scripts. But I'm still learning about how to do that. So I would be working on this (and who knows, I may be trying it soon), but I haven't gotten a grasp of the usual format, and haven't felt like looking it up.

Oh well. I guess I'll see what happens.

~ S
November 24th, 2016 at 12:36am