Total Rewrites? Are They Worth It?

So I've been working on this story Blood Money for a really, really, REALLY long time! And I'm in love with it. It's one of my two babies, along with A Summer Nowhere.

But here's the thing...

I jumped the gun on the whole vampire thing, I think. I came up with the idea years ago when vampire fiction was so huge and I don't think that my theme for that whole universe works. So I've been considering doing away with the whole "These people are vampires. But they're just normal people." thing.

So my question is this, for those of you who read Blood Money (The readers seem to be there, but they're mostly silent. So speak up! I beg of you!) or for those of you who just wanna' weigh in: should I go back and rewrite it? The story would be the same, but that one tiny aspect would be removed. It doesn't really make sense anymore. It's becoming less and less integral to the story. And the story is becoming something very different from what I first intended.

My other option, which I dread even thinking about because it would be so tedious, is to go back and edit out all of the tiny little instances where the whole vampire thing is brought up.

I don't know. I just know it needs to change and I don't know how to go about doing it.

ALSO... if you ARE interested in Blood Money, just know that things are about to take a very interesting turn. So stay tuned for that. And please, let me know how you feel about all this stuff. I'm in a conundrum to beat all conundrums.

ALSO ALSO... yes this is my cat. His name is Crowley and he's my entire world. This was taken a couple of years ago. He is now gigantic and way too spoiled and just as sassy as ever.
December 3rd, 2016 at 06:38am