A Big Fat Rant about Managing.

Right, first things first, no name calling in this to save myself from possible liability.

But I work for myself and rent from another company, in return I gain facilities and occasional business, in the meantime I also have to find custom for myself. Its hard, but I love it, and Im bloody good at what I do, but there are a couple of very bad things within the duopoly business, you might say.

For starters, Ive been around a number of businesses, and this by far is the most unorganised business I have ever been involved with. There are 3 trainers, and each trainer is constantly asking when one another is in the gym, its mad.
First thing I would do if it was my overall business is set up an online cloud calendar to allow every trainer to see when the gym is free, its not hard and it would save an outrageous amount of hassle that seems to have been around for years.
Getting in touch with each other is hard aswell, the other people seem comfortable, if you know what I mean, they are getting what they need so aslong as that happens then nothing else matters - it doesnt matter when Mr.X is in the other room as long as Im getting my money.

The next problem could potentially and theoretically be linked to this.

You own a business, whats the most important thing in your business? People. Whether you train them or work with them, they are the most important thing. I feel Mrs.Y, whom I rent the facilities off, has never really studied nor understood how you manage people, its a difficult trait, yes, but its not hard. Being around people, understanding peoples motives and needs is something I proud myself upon, Im very good with people and motivating them - this is the opposite.
I pay X amount a month ok? That doesnt provide me with any form of motivation, what, so, ever. If anything it provides me with doubt, oh no, I might not break even?? etc....

From her point of view, she gets the money and it pays the bills, shes sorted, it doesnt matter how I feel or whether Im motivated. Its a bit of a joke and it does make me angry - her overall business model from the outside in, is an absolute mess.
Why is this good? Its making me realise whats needed to make this more successful for potentially myself whenever I take it further into my own full business.
Why is this bad? Well its making me angry and breaking even is my main priority at the moment - I can see why so many new businesses (without aid of mummy and daddy) fail, its bloody hard work.

The first thing I would do if I was running the entire business like her is obviously start an online cloud calendar so every single trainer is aware of when the gym is free and when it isnt.
And in terms of payment I would charge trainers a %, whether this be 50/50 or 60/40, whatever, you get the idea. This provides both parties with enough funds and in the long term wouldnt scare trainers away.
Lets be straight here, If im paying £200 a month with a variable income and Im in a tougher situation in life then Im not going to hang around am I??
If Im only paying a % of my income, whether this be cash or online payment, means that whether I work 1 hour or 20 hours, I am GUARANTEED some sort of income, it provides me with motivation to work, thats how you MANAGE PEOPLE, and not treat them like some sort of black and white picture. Harsh, but true.

If you're charging your trainers a %, then you can hire as many trainers as you want under your business name, if theyre using the online cloud calendar then no confusion will be caused, and they use the gym, keeping their cut of the money and giving me my cut of the money - everyone goes home happy, its not hard.

Trust may be an issue, as if you're taking cash then obviously this can be dodged and false numbers can be provided - this is where the business model is completely wrong. Every trainer should be charging the same and if the online cloud system is there, then you know how much money is going in and out.

Its driving me mad but I think in the future I will see this as a blessing, its giving me plenty of good ideas.

December 6th, 2016 at 08:15pm