Can't 2016 Just Be Done Now?

Seriously? Let's just get this over with.

Again, another stream of conscious type thing... and GO!

I don't think I'm alone in thinking that 2016 was basically the worst year ever. We lost so many good people: musicians and actors and activists and just, ugh. Between all of the celebrity deaths, you've got the election (which has got to be some kind of cosmic joke, right?), Aleppo, the pipline... I'm ready to call it quits on this year. 2016 has a lot of explaining to do. It has worn me down. Or, as my mother would say, I got rode hard and put away wet. Which is gross. Which is why that phrase is usually applied to inanimate objects. So never mind.

And, yes, I KNOW that none of these things go away once the year is over, but how nice would it be if we could just start fresh. Kind of like a drought. During a drought, once the year ends, the drought's over. I mean... you're in a new drought for THAT year, but the drought from the year before is gone. That probably wasn't the best example.

My point, I guess, is that I'd love to start fresh in 2017. Not any of that "New Year, New Me" crap. No, I'm still going to be the same fat, potty mouthed, nerdy doofus I've been my whole life. I've finally come to accept that there's not much I can do about my health (even IF I get to keep my coverage), so that's not gonna' change. But maybe my outlook can change with a few little things.

Since I don't really ever want to talk to people in person, I'm online a lot. So I figure if I have one New Year's resolution, it'd be to maybe have a bigger web presence? That sounds so stupid to me, though. That makes me sound like a business. Still, though. I want to be more active on Twitter. Maybe I'll blog here more. Or start an actual blog. I used to have a WordPress blog, but I think a total of three people actually read it.

And, I swear to the Lordt! If I don't finish my books by the end of 2017, I'm giving up forever. FOREVER!! I've got 20 chapters in each, so it really shouldn't be that hard to just wrap them the fuck up. But it's like for every three or four chapters I right in a row, when I'm on a fucking roll, there's another chapter that takes a hundred times longer for me to write because nothing's speaking to me or whatever.

I don't know.

So here's what I've got so far:

1.) Twitter.
2.) Books.
3.) Maybe eat more cake.

I'm Italian, so I eat "too much" pasta. But not enough cake. I need to even out my carbs. It's not fair to cake that I devote all of my attention to pasta. Cake didn't ask for that. Cake deserves more of my time.
December 16th, 2016 at 04:25am