
Aside from the fact that we're three days into this little family vacation and all hell has broken loose, i'm getting a handle on my emotions. Well, in terms of this family still know how to elicit the worst reactions from me...

Today was ok...but it may be because I was slightly hungover from last night and that I had to go do errands with my dad. I barely thought of him until I got home from the beach and all of a sudden I was back to his "break-up but still hold out to be together" speech, our first date, his first email to me asking for my number, all of just all came back in a hurry and in a big way. It was slightly overwhelming but I think I was able to ride this one out. I'm also pretty sure that I triggered it myself because I kept wondering if he had tried to reach out to me via phone call or text in the last three days since I've switched off my roaming.

I also just had a thought. I think I'm going to send him an email tonight and tell him that I would like to return his jacket...the one hanging in the closet. I'm not sure how I feel yet about sending that email but I think I should.

I don't know.....

UPDATE: I sent the email. It started off with the usual...I hope you're well...blah blah blah and ended with me requesting the jacket return...i am positive that i sounded rather cold and clinical towards the end of it...but i signed with Cheers! instead of Kind Regards, so that's good...I can see his eyebrows shooting up when he reads it, I can almost hear him utter "damn" under his breath when he finishes. He always said that I was so aloof when we first started dating....this email definitely sounds just like that....

December 21st, 2016 at 11:57pm