Holiday Magic, Lipstick and Snow

Hi Mibba,

It's been a while! Of course, like always, there's tonnes of reasons for my disappearance, but I just wanted to say 'hi' as we all say goodbye to the year, and channel all of happy memories of the last 365 days. I'll be posting a gratitude journal sooner than later for the year :)

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: I was scrolling through my newsfeed and I was so confused on who everyone was, I think a lot of people (understandably) changed their username, so can you let me know who you are? I'm confused and I want to be able to chat and catch up and love you properly! :(

I hope you had a swell Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever it is you like doing! I hope it was full of thankfulness and thoughtfulness.

For the last year and a bit ish I have been OBSESSED with makeup. Specifically eyeshadow and lipstick. At the end of the school term I like to spoil myself a little, and this term I averaged at about a 90, and in my fourth year of University I'm like fuck it. So I bought a bunch of clothes with my employee discount. BUT NOW I WANT LIPSTICK!

I'm slightly conflicted because I can get free liquid lipstick by Stila at the drugstore using points, but I'm in a bit of a craze over the Kat Von D liquid lips. I was hoping there would be some kind of boxing day deal... but there wasn't. The colours I'm interested in are all super different, but they are: Mother, Bow n Arrow, Beloved, Doubledare, Lovesick, and Melancholia.

If anyone has experience with liquid lips I'd love to hear it! The only one I have so far is Patina by Stila.

Heads up that I also wrote a couple of short stories and I intend to post at least one before the year ends :)

So Mibba questions for you:

1. What was your favourite gift that you gave? If you didn't give any gifts, what's your favourite December memory of 2016?

2. What's your favourite gift that you received? If you didn't gain anything, what's your favourite thing that you bought for yourself recently?

3. How was you boxing day? Crazy? Get any good deals?

Love you! xoxo
December 28th, 2016 at 05:57pm