Blog #2: Volume Four of Hanru Sazuki

For awhile I've struggled with releasing the 4th Volume of Hanru Sazuki. I believe it was based in 2014, but I wasn't too satisfied with the Volume after I ended it. I decided to go ahead and write a fifth volume before editing Volume 4 or fixing any mistakes. My fifth Volume was actually a prequel to Volume Four. I wrote Volume 5 back in 2015 and it went through to early 2016. Volume four was a slight disappointment for me and I was unhappy about it so editing was really hard to do. So I skipped it and I instead edited Volume 5. About a week ago in the beginning of 2017 I decided It's time for me to continue this project. Volume 5 will now be officially released as Volume 4 with an additional 7 chapters added making it a total f 14 chapters, and Volume 4 will be released as Volume 5 with 4 chapters deleted making it's total 6.

I am only keeping the key parts from my original Volume 4 that I feel are important to the story which is why I'm not totally scrapping it. Plus that's about 80,000 words worth of material that I would hate to just get rid of.

Anyway, so I'm going to release these next two Volumes. Hanru Sazuki is a story that is really close to my heart. My mind does need to psychologically prepare itself for writing a story like this and it can at times be a long process which is why There's such a huge gap in releasing Chapters. There won't be such a huge gap between Volumes 4 and 5 and since I don't have to push my mentality too much, I may be able to write a sixth Volume. I am going to finish the story though and it is not going to take me forever. Thanks for the read and hope to hear back from anyone with any questions or comments :) take care.
January 10th, 2017 at 03:49am