
I am somewhere between a Junior and Senior in college and I can't decide on if it's because I'm almost done, or if I legitimately can't stand school, but I've almost given up.

When I graduated with my Associates degree I had been talking about not going on to retrieve my Bachelors degree, and I've already made the decision to not continue after that. My mother,who was going through her own troubles at the time had told me, If I didn't want to continue then don't. But, I caved in to the pushing of my grandparents,and am now working towards my Bachelors degree.

I hate college, I hate being micromanaged by some of my professors, I hate that I spend more time in classes than working so I can earn money to pay bills that me and my husband have. I feel like I'm wasting time and it's frustrating. I understand that with a degree I can open up more career opportunities but, I'm stuck in the now and the fact that I'm terribly poor.

I only have a few semesters left, and unlike with my associates degree, these semesters are going by terribly slow.

I just needed to get that out , as I sit in yet another college course I care nothing about.

Here's a gif of Tom Hardy to make me feel better

January 31st, 2017 at 08:11pm