Cancer in My Life

Today I had a check up after my appointment with the doctor and got the most amazing news. I guess I should start at the beginning. Last year we discovered I had a tumor on my right kidney and I had to undergo some testing. Tests showed that it was a cancerous tumor and my only option was surgery. During the process of getting ready for the surgery I lost my medical insurance and had to wait a year for the surgery. Today I went back for my post op check up and heard the most amazing news. They took out a renal cell carcinoma, cancer, and today told me that I'm official cancer free. I have to go back in five months and then once a year for three years. I'm healing well and will be returning to work in about two weeks. I had to share this with everyone because I'm still in shock and trying to come to terms that a simple surgery cured me of a dreaded disease. I'm now a proud survivor of kidney cancer.
February 1st, 2017 at 01:29am