My Ever Changing Mind

Hey everyone!

It's been three months since my last blog and I figured why not. Besides I made a new layout for my new found love for Avenged Sevenfold. I'm going in between them and Panic. I love the both of them and they both mean so much to me. Avenged is the reason I met Rae and Panic just solidified our relationship. We grew together and I am so glad to have her in my mind.

I also have found my writing going back to Matt/Avenged stories! I really can't wait to write more and I am working on Chapter Two of Dark Desire right now. Well not right now since I am writing this blog entry. This is a new thing for me as I have no knowledge of these desires, I can only imagine and try to convey it to you! I really can't wait to keep this story going and I may move another one of my stories from Wattpad to here. I don't know since the Norman ones are not getting too much attention, which I understand.

This morning I had to work at seven, which I usually come in at 8:30 in the morning. One of the morning staff was out and she had asked me to come in early for her; her son was sick and I didn't mind getting the overtime. I just hope that her son gets better. She did call me and tell me she is bringing him in because he seems better and isn't as sick. So here is to hoping. The stomach bug is hitting our room hard no matter how much I sanitize it. I spray the room and wipe down the toys when I can. It's hard when you are in a daycare setting to actually get the germs out, since kids can share them many ways.

Now can you see why I named my blog the way I did? Lol, my mind is always jumping from one topic to the next and then back and then to a new one and then back to the beginning. I can't help it. I try to focus on one thing but it's like there is so much in there and it all wants to come out.

thank you for reading, if you do!
March 23rd, 2017 at 01:31am