Tentative Classes and Schedule For Next Semester!

This past week has been stressful so I made schedules because who doesn't love making schedules? Lol I like making class schedules but hate actually going through class. This is my life.

Right now I have five classes that are 16 credits. Part of my is debating knocking my fun class of the list but if I don't have this fun class, I might just die next semester.

For my Zoology major: General Physics 1 and Extinction of Species

For my Italian Major: Modern Italian Culture

For my Environmental Studies certificate/minor: The Green Screen (it's about the environment in films).

Fun Class: Literature of Hans Christian Andersen

Monday: All lectures (except Italian) and physics lab
Tuesday: Species and physics discussion with Italian lecture
Wednesday: Monday lectures and environmental lab
Thursday: Environment and physics discussion and Italian lecture
Friday: Just Hans and Species lectures.

I sign up for classed April 7 at 5:45 PM!

I also have classes picked out for when I go to New Zealand. I like to plan my life to a T and this is what happens, haha.

Today I discovered that my Italian major classes go towards a certificate and because I can graduate a semester early, I may use that extra semester for another certificate if all goes according to plan. So my tentative plan is two majors (Zoology and Italian) and three certificates (environmental studies which all cross-listed with my zoology major, European studies which all cross-listed with my Italian major, and Folklore which is what I'll do if all goes well).

That's all for now!

Ciao a tutti!
April 1st, 2017 at 03:13am