Halo Story/Title?

For days now I've been really considering writing a Halo story. I haven't started writing it yet because I'm worried it won't live up to peoples expectations on what a Halo story should be about. The one I'm writing is a love story between a specific alien and a human being, but of course with a Halo plot, I don't want it to be just a love story between two people, I want there to be a lot of things contributing to the actual Halo story as well. My thing is, I don't really know the origins and backgrounds of Halo, I've played 3 of the games, and watched as many videos as I can to try and get a good base for my storyline, but there's so much to learn for such a big game series and I don't want to mess this up because I really want to write it before I just get bored of building up such a good plot before I can share it with everyone. So if anyone knows anything about Halo that could be really good for my story, please feel free to help a girl out.

Also, I am having a hard time coming up with a proper title for the story, if you want to know what the story is going to be about, feel free to PM me, but as far as titles go, I'm never good at coming up with an eye catching title, so I would really love some help, this story is a big deal to me, considering I've had horrible writers block for weeks and this is going to help get me outta that stage.

Blog layout - sainted swan
April 3rd, 2017 at 05:32pm