Exhaustion, Wattpad, and Shameless Plugs. Oh My!

I'm trying really hard to get back into the swing of things, as they say, and just the attempt is exhausting. Here's what's going on, just in case anybody cares.

My aunt (my uncle's wife) passed away in February. It's not a big deal to me because my empathy levels are skewed at best and we weren't on the greatest terms towards the end. But I love my uncle a lot and he's been distraught. Anyway, she died and left my uncle in a load of debt. She liked to shop online and buy stuff she didn't need. A lot of it she ended up not even wanting. Her weight fluctuated a lot so she was constantly buying new clothes, then when she lost/gained weight, she bought MORE clothes instead of going back to the old ones. So I spent LAST week helping my uncle organize all of her clothing on racks so that we can hopefully get some of them sold online. Because it's all super nice, businessy stuff. The day before we arrived, he took SIXTEEN full, industrial sized gigantic black trash bags to donate. Two days before we went home, he took seven more, and then four more the day before we left. There were three more bags to take to donate when we left. And four full racks of stuff to sell. LOTS OF STUFF!

So I'm still exhausted from that.

It's almost May, and I live in Kentucky. That means it's getting hotter and hotter by the minute and I would literally rather live in Siberia year round than be too hot. It drains all of my energy. Most people who have seasonal depression get depressed during the winter months. Mine is the other way around. Summer time makes me miserable, physically and emotionally.

So I'm exhausted from that, too. And it's only gonna' get worse.


So, a lovely reader suggested that I put one of my stories up on Wattpad. She's one of I think two reviewers on A Summer Nowhere, and she's just as in love with it as I am, if not more. That story is my baby. I've worked my tuchus off on it and I refuse to believe that the lack of attention it gets is reflective on its quality.

Here's the problem...

Wattpad is INSANELY crowded. Only after posting some chapters of my stuff on the site did I see a bunch of people on Mibba complain about that very problem. Mibba is almost dead and Wattpad is TOO alive. I read a list earlier today on line (on Wattpad, no less) of things you should do to get more attention there. It was satirical, but some of the things included writing about werewolves, commenting on random stories, and begging everyone you saw on the site to upvote your stuff.

With that being said... if you have nothing better to do with your time, could you pretty pretty please with sugar on top take a look at my novel in progress on Wattpad? It's also posted here, but I'm under the impression that the more stars/likes/votes/whatever you get there, the more people are likely to see it. And as far as I can tell, there are ton more active readers there than there are here.

Also, just in case anybody was having the same problem as I was with formatting... it helps to copy and paste your writing from either Microsoft Word or Google Docs when pasting to Wattpad. I use Apache OpenOffice because I'm poor and it's free and a TON of the words were smushed together. I had to go through with a fine tooth comb and separate them. So I found that out. There's that.

I guess that's all. Sometimes I just need to blog all my frustrations out. I feel better. So thanks.
April 28th, 2017 at 04:53am