I'm going to the Bob Bryar solo project concert. (Got the ticket to prove it)

lol, just thought I'd share that with you! No school today, cause it's pro-d day. I'm really bored. Been trying to write a one-shot. I dunno.

I told my mom about a new story I'm writing, a ghost story. She said she'll read it, as long as it dosen't have any sexy stuff. So I lied, this is how the convo went:

Me: No mom. I don't write that shit.

Her: Um, I don't know. I read some of you're stuff and it was kind of...racy.

Me: You read my stuff?!!!

Her: Yeah

Me: You actually went on the computer and looked through my shit?

Her: Uh no. *shifty eyes* you left it on the screen so I read it...

Me: Thanks mom. *walks away*
October 20th, 2007 at 07:03am